O melodie pentru Europa 2012:
Der deltager 21 bidrag i finalen, heraf ét udvalgt ved en net-afstemning.

1. Ruslan Taranu - Blanche
2. Irina Tarasiuc & MC Gootsa - Save a little sunshine
3. Pasha Parfeny - Lauutar
4. Alexandru Manciu - If you leave
5. Paralela 47 - Arde
6. Ksenya Nikora - You better rush
7. Leria - A ray Of sun
8. Cristina Croitoru - Fight for love
9. Mariana Mihaila - Live on forever
10. MC Mike & Human Place - Mole
11. Nicoleta Gavrilita - Crazy little thing
12. Geta Burlacu - Never ever stop
13. Adrian Ursu - Be yourself
14. Doininita Gherman - Welcome to Moldova
15. M Studio - Open your eyes
16. Anna Gulko - Ballad of love
17. Transbalkanica - Balkan riders
18. Dara - Open your eyes
19. Univox - Moody Numbers
20. Akord - Live the show
21. Inaya - Lights

Gruppen Akord med sangen Live the show erstatter Nelly Ciobanu.
Bidrag valgt ved net-afstemning er: Mariana Mihaila - Live on forever

Her er de tyve bidrag, der er udvalgt af en jury:

Adrian Ursu – Be yourself
Alexandru Manciu – If you leave
Anna Gulko – Ballad of love
Cristina Croitoru – Flight for love
Dara – Open your eyes
Doinita Gherman - Welcome to Moldova
Geta Burlacu – Never ever stop
INAYA – Lights
Irina Tarasiuc & MC Gootsa – Save a little sunshine
Ksenya Nikora – You better rush
Leria – A ray of sun
M Studio – Open your eyes
MC Mike & Human Place – Moll girl
Nelly Ciobanu – Turn on the light *)
Nicoleta Gavrilita – Crazy little thing
Paralela 47 – Arde
Pasha Parfeny – Lautar
Ruslan Taranu – Blanshe
Transbacania – Balkan Riders
Univox – Moody Numbers

*) Trukket ud af personlige årsager

Moldova 2012
Opdateret d. 5.3.2012