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Before the Party’s Over
Thomas Mustin
Thomas Mustin (bedre kendt som Mustii) er en 33-årige singer-songwriter og skuespiller med to succesfulde albums bag sig. Han er kendt for sine roller på teater, tv og Netflix produktioner, herunder den belgiske serie “La Trêve”, samt spillefilm som “Grave, Un Petit Boulot”, og “L’Echange des Princesses”.
Mustii vandt det såkaldte “Revelation of the Year” trofæ ved Debels Music Awards, og det er lykkedes for ham at melde udsolgt i arenaen Ancienne Belgique ved tre lejligheder. Begge hans albums - “21st Century Boy” og “It’s Happening Now” blev vældig godt modtaget i Belgien, og Mustii er nu klar til det næste skridt, der vil være at repræsentere sit hjemland i Eurovision 2024.
Det belgiske bidrag Before the Party’s Over bliver frigivet den 20. februar 2024.
Before the Party’s Over
TekstAll we chase is shining in the moonlight
Are we sure the kids are alright
Or just playing it cool?
Watch it fade, it's gonna hurt from time to time
One more drink and I'll be fine
You're the livin' proof (Oh-oh)
Are you still playin' the game
Or breakin' the rules?
I can see all the pain (Before the party's over)
In the way that you move (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Face to face, they told us it was paradise
But I'll barely make it through the night
Do you think about it too? (Oh-oh)
Are you still playin' the game
Or breakin' the rules?
I can see all the pain (Before the party's over)
In the way that you move
In the way that you move (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight
I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna raise roofs tonight
I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight
I got a soul on fire
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna raise roofs tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna raise roofs tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna raise roofs tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna make moves tonight)
Before the party's over (I got a soul on fire, I'm gonna raise roofs tonight)
Opdateret d. 1.3.2024