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Nutsa Buzaladze
Darko Dimitrov & Ada Satka
Nutsa Buzaladze vil repræsentere Georgien i Malmø ved den 68. udgave af Eurovision Song Contest. I 2017 udgav Buzaladze sangen "White Horses Run", hvormed hun blev nummer to i den georgiske udtagelse til Eurovision Song Contest 2017.
Den internationale sangerinde fra Tbilisi har deltaget i (og vundet) mange forskellige sangkonkurrencer i løbet af sin karriere, herunder en top 12-placering ved American Idol i 2023, hvor hun optrådte en duet med Kylie Minogue på hendes klassiske nummer Can't Get You Out Of My Head.
I de seneste år har Nutsa boet i både Los Angeles (hvor hun skrev, optrådte og optog musikvideoer) og Dubai (hvor hun skrev kontrakt med Theatre Dubai og optrådte på Expo), men hun kalder alligevel Georgien hjem. I 2019 udgav hun sit debutalbum under navnet Nutsa22, der ikke kun dækkede georgiske sange, men også kompositioner på engelsk, men det var Gelodebi, der blev hendes breakout-hit, der førte til, at hun turnerede landet rundt med et liveband.
Sangen blev afsløret i starten af marts måned.
I see it in the air, I see it in the air
I'm running through these ashes like a firefighter
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Did we build empires
Just to watch them burn?
My heart's beating louder
I'm running like tigers
No fear in my eyes, though
I will save this love
The ceiling is falling, the windows are burning
It's getting harder to breathe
Can you hear me calling? I see ashes falling
I'm down on my knees, but I will save this love
I see it in the air, I see it in the air
I'm rising from thes? ashes like a phoenix, yeah
You know I'll be there
You know that I'll be there
I'm running through these ashes like your firefighter
Put out the fire (Put out the fire)
Put out the fire, put out the fire
Put out the fire, put out the fire
Come dance with that thunder
Cause love makes us stronger
We're not here forever
So can we save this love?
From lovers to fires
So why do we do this?
We're meant to rise higher
And higher, and higher
The ceiling is falling, the windows are burning
It's getting harder to breathe
Can you hear me calling? I see ashes falling
Falling, and falling
I see it in the air, I see it in the air
I'm rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah
You know that I'll be there
You know I'll be there, I'll be there, I'll be there
(I see it in the air, I see it in the air)
(We're rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah)
(You know we'll be there)
(You know that we'll be there)
(We're rising from these ashes like a firefighter)
I see it in the air, I see it in the air
We're rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah
You know you'll be there
(You know that we'll be there)
(We're rising from these ashes)
Like a firefighter
Opdateret d. 16.3.2024