Eurovision Song Contest 2025
Island - Söngvakeppnin 2025
Bia - "Norđurljós" / "Northern Lights"
Tekst og musik: Beatriz Aleixo, Jóhannes Ágúst, Kristrún Jóhannesdóttir, Jón Arnór Styrmisson, Kolbeinn Egill Ţrastarson
Bia - Beatriz Roque Aleixo

"Norđurljós" - Söngvakeppnin semifinale
"Norđurljós" - Musik video
"Northern Lights" - Audio

Spegilmynd af mér
Endurspeglar mynd af ţér

Ţú vilt svo mikiđ frá mér
En viltu mér vel?

Nć ekki ađ standa á mínu
Undir vćntingum ţinum
Ég týni sjálfri mér í ţér

Og ég er ađ kafna
Efasemdirnar safnast
Og ljósiđ dofnar inní mer

Ég vil vera eins og norđurljos
Standa međ öllum litunum
Dansandi yfir himninum
Alveg eins og norđurljós
Eins og norđurljos

Geng í burtu frá ţér
Ćtla ekki ađ bregđast mér

Ég hćtt' ekki' ađ reyna
Vil lát' í mér heyr
Og dansa í kringum stjörnurnar

Leyfi hjartan'ađ skína
Fć kjark til ađ sýna
Glitrandi litasveiflurnar

Ég vil skína eins og
Alveg eins og norđurljós
Standa međ öllum litunum
Dansandi yfir himninum
Alveg eins og norđurljós
Eins og norđurljos

Ég vil skína eins og norđurljós
Ég vil skína eins og norđurljós
Standa međ öllum litunum
Dansandi yfir himninum
Alveg eins og norđurljós
Eins og norđurljo?

"Northern Lights"

This reflection of myself
The mirror shows me somebody else

You're asking too much of me
Who do you want me to be

Im in this sea of opinions
Floating in your decisions
Can't keep the doubts from flooding in

It feels like I'm drowning
And my heart won't stop pounding
All of my lights begin to dim

I wanna shine like the northern lights
Shine like the northern lights
Showing off all the shades of me
My colours colliding running free
And shine like the northern lights
Like the northern lights

I'm so over feeling trapped
So now Ill take my freedom back

Ill keep pushing harder
Let myself go farther
Never surrender to new heights

If the sky is the limit
How come I'm dancing in it
One day you'll be blinded by my lights

I wanna shine like the northern lights
Shine like the northern lights
Showing off all the shades of me
My colours colliding running free
And shine like the northern lights
Like the northern lights

I wanna shine like the northern lights
I wanna shine like the northern lights
Showing off all the shades of me
My colours colliding running free
And shine like the northern lights
Like the northern light?

Island 2025
Lćs mere om Söngvakeppnin 2025

Links: Island

Opdateret d. 10.2.2025