Nomi Tale - "Funniest Thing" Tekst og musik: Adam Breitholtz, Herman Gardarfve, Jacob Lundahl, Nomi Bontegard, Simon Weidersjö
Nomi Tale - Nomi Bontegard. Nomi er en artist og sangskriver, der skaber sange med et drømmende, fantasy-præget og betagende lydunivers. Hun udgav sin første single under sit nuværende navn, “Song of the Forest”, i 2024, men har tidligere udgivet musik i andre konstellationer. Hun har desuden samarbejdet med artisterne Hot Shade og Charlie Who?.
Melodifestivalen delfinale 2
"Funniest Thing"
Somewhere far away
In a lone man’s land
Where no one goes anymore
Except for those who believe
So you think that you’re brave enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
So you think you’re good enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
If you dare, dare to play
It’s a dirty game
You can’t reach the high score
Unless you are one who believe
Oh-oh-oh oh-oh
So you think that you’re brave enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
So you think you’re good enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
Your words doesn’t matter anyway
They called my name
I am not afraid
Doesn’t matter what you say
I control my faith
So you think that you’re brave enough
So you think that you’re brave enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard
So you think you’re good enough
To be one of those, I don’t think so
You think you’re strong enough
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard