Eurovision Song Contest 2025
Sverige - Melodifestivalen 2025
Måns Zelmerlöw - "Revolution"
Tekst og musik: David Lindgren Zacharias, Måns Zelmerlöw, Ola Svensson, Sebastian Atas
Måns Zelmerlöw er en af Sveriges mest prominente popartister og tidligere vinder af Eurovision Song Contest i 2015 med sangen “Heroes”. Han har tidligere deltaget i Melodifestivalen flere gange med start i 2007 og “Cara Mia” der blev nummer 3 og “Hope & Glory” i 2011 der blev nummer 4. Men vender nu tilbage med “Revolution”, en kraftfuld poprock-sang, der opfordrer til forandring og handling. Hans erfaring og tidligere triumfer gør ham til en af favoritterne i årets konkurrence.

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Melodifestivalen delfinale 4

The sun is coming up again
A new dawn for remembering
We need to
To see this through

The cracks are hard to cover up
In the house of cards that we build up
And I see
It's you and me

Maybe the last chance that we get
No tears
No regrets
Beautiful people like you

People that will change the world
A revolution
Anything is possible
A revolution

People that will change the world
A revolution
It's a revolution oh
A revolution
Anything is possible
A revolution
It's a revolution oh
A revolution

People that will change the world
It's been a lifetime coming
And we can't keep running
From this world
It's been a lifetime waiting for
A revolution

Years and years of choosing not
To see what's happening right in front
Of me
But now I see

We'll turn around our legacy
For generations that will be
Beautiful people like you

People that will change the world
A revolution
It's a revolution oh
A revolution
Anything is possible
A revolution
It's a revolution oh
A revolution

People that will change the world
It's been a lifetime coming
And we can't keep running
From this world
It's been a lifetime waiting for

We spend a lifetime running
But we can't run anymore
We spend a lifetime waiting for
A revolution

A revolution oh
It's been a lifetime coming
And we can't keep running
From this world
It's been a lifetime waiting for

A revolution
It's a revolution oh
A revolution
It's a revolution oh


A revolution
Sverige 2025
Læs mere om Melodifestivalen 2025

Links: Sverige

Opdateret d. 22.2.2025