Eurovision Song Contest 2025
Sverige - Melodifestivalen 2025 |
Vilhelm Buchaus - "I'm Yours" Tekst og musik: Elias Edman, Jonatan Lahti, Simon Alexander Ward, Vilhelm Buchaus
Vilhelm Buchaus -
Vilhelm Buchaus er en upcoming singer-songwriter, der henter inspiration fra folk- og rockartister som Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty og John Mayer. Hans musik er præget af stærke melodier og ærlige tekster. Han har tidligere udgivet debutsinglen “First Cut”, som blev godt modtaget af både anmeldere og lyttere. Hans Melodifestival-bidrag, “I’m Yours”, er skrevet af Elias Edman, Jonatan Lahti, Simon Alexander Ward og ham selv.
Melodifestivalen delfinale 5
"I'm Yours"
I'm too young to feel this old
I'm just trying to find a home
And all my life I've let them down
But I keep holding on
I'm yours
But I'm broken
I just hope that
It's enough for you
I'm yours
I keep hoping
That you'll see
The good in me
When I don't
I think about you every day
All the little things you say
So I'm putting on my winter coat tonight
This town's so cold
Without you by my side
I'm yours
But I'm broken
I just hope that
It's enough for you
I'm yours
I keep hoping
That you'll see
The good in me
When I don't
La la la…
La la la…
Sometimes what you want
Ain't always what you get
But in the end it's
Everything you need
I'm yours
But I'm broken
I just hope that
It's enough for you
I'm yours
I keep hoping
That you'll see
The good in me
When I don't
Sverige 2025
Læs mere om Melodifestivalen 2025
Opdateret d. 3.3.2025