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Laika Party
Emmy Kristine Guttulsrud Kristiansen, Erlend Guttulsrud Kristiansen, Henrik Østlund, Larissa Tormey, Truls Marius Aarra
Det irske bidrag til Eurovision 2025 blev fundet i EuroSong 2025. Seks sange deltog i finalen, der blev afholdt fredag den 7. februar 2025. Vinder blev EMMY og sangen 'Laika Party'.
EMMY er en 24-årig norsk sanger og grafisk designer, der begyndte at lave sine egne sange i en alder af syv år. Hendes karriere fik en kickstart i 2015, da hun som 15-årig deltog i Melodi Grand Prix Junior, en af de største musikkonkurrencer i sit land, for børn.
Seks år senere, i 2021, deltog hun i det norske Melodi Grand Prix, hvor hun nåede frem til finalen med sit bidrag "Witch Woods". I dag er EMMY især kendt for at synge på TikTok og har 1,2 millioner følgere fra hele verden. Hun har også arbejdet med store kunstnerproducenter, såsom K-391 og Braaheim.
Sangen centrerer sig omkring den sovjetiske rumhund, Laika, der blev samlet op fra Moskvas gader og sendt ud i rummet ombord på Sputnik 2, men som på tragisk vis døde.
Laika Party
(Ready for take off)
You have probably heard
About this brave little girl
All we know is that she saved the world
She got sent away
But she wasn't afraid
Though she was alone
In the dark big space
Left the cheering crowd
Went above the clouds
Rocket going high
Then they said good bye
She still wonders why
But she loves to fly
I hope Laika never died
And that she spins around us still
And that she has a party in the air and always will
I hope that she is dancing every night among the stars
I hope Laika is alive
Laika party in the sky
Laika party in the sky
Through the comets and the stones
She is howling for her bones
Singing along to the stars and sun
And if she didn't fly, nor would you and I
A forever hero for humankind
Left the cheering crowd
Went above the clouds
Rocket going high
Then they said good bye
She still wonders why
But she loves to fly
I hope Laika never died
And that she spins around us still
And that she has a party in the air and always will
I hope that she is dancing every night among the stars
I hope Laika is alive
Laika party in the sky
Laika party in the sky
Laika party in the sky
Laika party in the sky
Laika p?rty in the ?ky
Opdateret d. 8.2.2025